SnacksCraig Scull

Movie Theater Popcorn!

SnacksCraig Scull
Movie Theater Popcorn!

One day I was sitting around my house craving popcorn… not the stuff you throw in the microwave and the not the kind they serve at the movie theaters nowadays. I was craving the popcorn you used to be able to get ONLY at the movie theaters. It was rich and buttery and had a quality that the stuff I made at home never seemed to have. I was racking my brain to try and figure out what made that popcorn so delicious. After a little research and trial and error I discovered the secret to awesome popcorn… coconut oil!

Turns out you don’t need a microwave or an air popper to make your own awesome popcorn and frankly neither of those methods is that much more convenient than the way I am going to show you.

All you need is some kernels, a big pot, some coconut oil, and toppings. (In this case melted butter, a nacho cheese topping, and salt.)


Ok pay attention, because this is going to go fast. Turn your stove on medium high and place the coconut oil in the pot. Once it melts and starts to dance around the pot drop in your kernels. They should sizzle a little. Put the lid on your pot and occasionally shake the pot. Pretty soon you will hear the popping begin. Keep shaking every so often. Once the popping sounds slow down take a peak into the pot and see if they’re mostly popped. (Careful for rogue flying popcorn.) Once you are satisfied that you popped enough of them turn off your heat and transfer to your bowl.

Pro tip- if you are topping with melted butter place a little butter in the bottom of the bowl before adding the popped corn. This way you’ll get more even coating on each bite of popcorn. Shake some salt on and that’s it! You could also buy some grated parmesan and shake that on at the end, little bit of hot sauce would be nice too. It’s a blank canvas so think like a junk food vegetarian and enjoy.


Movie Theater Popcorn- The Recipe

2 Tbsp Coconut Oil

1/4-1/2 Cup Popcorn Kernels

Melted Butter

Table salt


  1. Heat coconut oil in a big pot over medium high heat until melted.

  2. Add popcorn kernels, stir, and cover the pot with a lid.

  3. Shake pot as kernels start to pop. Keep shaking until popping slows down. (About 3-5 minutes)

  4. Place popped corn in bowl with melted butter, shake over salt and any additional toppings.